Even my cynical, "I'm not going to vote because they're all corrupt" son was into this speech.
Let the sunshine in!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Al Gore at the Democratic National Convention
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Time for Politics
My husband met Joe Biden once.
He had a chance to talk to him at the Democratic National Convention in 2000. DH says he is much more "earthy" than he seems on television. Biden is not afraid of "plain speaking," a refreshing trait in political America. Sadly, though, television does not let us see these guys as they really are and, even more sadly, most voters base their decision on what they see on television.
It's frightening.
When you get involved in the political world you realize just how tiny a world it is. It's kind of scary, really, to realize just how much power is concentrated in the hands of very few people. My husband got involved locally about ten years ago. Within two years, state legislators (including those high up in state government) and U.S. congresswo/men were calling him by his first name. He achieved statewide fame when he told off Governor Schwarzenegger during a televised town hall meeting. (Paul Moyer, one of the newscaster/commentators, whispered to DH after the confrontation, "Man, you've got balls.")
But my point is, it's so small a community that it's fairly easy to get into it. Rank and file citizens love to complain about the government as if it's some separate entity totally unrelated to anything in their lives, like the gods of Olympus of something. Really, these are just folks, like you and me, who cared enough to get involved. Most of them are hard workers who genuinely believe that what they are doing is for the good of their country.
Most of them.
I rarely write about politics here although I have very strong feelings about what is happening to my country. I've come to believe that in many ways our political beliefs develop like religious beliefs. We are raised with a certain set of values and we make our political choices based on those values. There's really not much point trying to convince people to go against their core values, so there really isn't much point trying to convince a "true believer" to change their political beliefs.
For the most part, as an American and a patriot, I celebrate our diversity of beliefs and even if I don't agree with someone, I will speak out to make sure they have the right to express their own belief system.
But you have to base your decisions on the truth, and truth has been depressingly lacking in our government.
I'm afraid to my bones of Dick Cheney. I think that G.W. is probably a nice enough guy but not real bright (c'mon - C- average at Yale? I'm a teacher. Let me tell you what a C- means. It means you really failed, but I don't want to mess with your daddy so I'm going to give you the lowest acceptable grade and move you along.) It's no accident that Dick Cheney chose himself as V.P. The man has the charisma of a rattlesnake. But by making himself the man behind the man with a charmer (?) like G.W. he got himself the power, if not the office. After a lifetime of failure, G.W. Bush let himself be "handled" by a group of sociopathic leaders without charisma of their own who have led him - and by extension us and the rest of the world - into more danger than most common Americans can even comprehend.
And they're still doing it.
Barack Obama is not a muslim. The end.
I'm fascinated by people's fascination with this. Newsflash! If you would vote for or against someone because of their religion, you are unAmerican. You are a traitor to your Constitution and therefore to your country. Article VI of the Constitution says that the document "shall be the supreme law of the land" and
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States".
No religious test. You don't get to judge someone for political office based on their religion. One of the founding principles of our country is that we are at least tolerant of each other's religious choices (although I tend to think we should celebrate all our diversity) and that there is a "wall of separation" between religion and government. If you believe that religion should control your political choices, then you are as bad as the fundamentalist muslims that you are so afraid of.
So, if religious beliefs don't influence your choice of candidate, what does? Don't rely on television to tell you; another newsflash - television is entertainment for profit. They will do whatever they have to do - including manipulation for a more dramatic story - to get you to see what their advertisers are selling.
How about reading their positions? Go read the party platforms. During the last election my students were amazed when I brought in party platforms for them to read. The Democratic platform was close to what they had been hearing on TV but the Republican platform had a lot of stuff in it that never made the news for some reason.
Republicans keep saying that they don't know what Barack Obama stands for. Hello? I was clear about what he stands for after reading The Audacity of Hope. He hasn't wavered. The same positions in that book are the same positions on his website. I invite you to check it out. Then go check out John McCain's site. Decide who represents your values better.
And don't forget to vote!

It's frightening.
When you get involved in the political world you realize just how tiny a world it is. It's kind of scary, really, to realize just how much power is concentrated in the hands of very few people. My husband got involved locally about ten years ago. Within two years, state legislators (including those high up in state government) and U.S. congresswo/men were calling him by his first name. He achieved statewide fame when he told off Governor Schwarzenegger during a televised town hall meeting. (Paul Moyer, one of the newscaster/commentators, whispered to DH after the confrontation, "Man, you've got balls.")
But my point is, it's so small a community that it's fairly easy to get into it. Rank and file citizens love to complain about the government as if it's some separate entity totally unrelated to anything in their lives, like the gods of Olympus of something. Really, these are just folks, like you and me, who cared enough to get involved. Most of them are hard workers who genuinely believe that what they are doing is for the good of their country.
Most of them.
I rarely write about politics here although I have very strong feelings about what is happening to my country. I've come to believe that in many ways our political beliefs develop like religious beliefs. We are raised with a certain set of values and we make our political choices based on those values. There's really not much point trying to convince people to go against their core values, so there really isn't much point trying to convince a "true believer" to change their political beliefs.
For the most part, as an American and a patriot, I celebrate our diversity of beliefs and even if I don't agree with someone, I will speak out to make sure they have the right to express their own belief system.
But you have to base your decisions on the truth, and truth has been depressingly lacking in our government.
I'm afraid to my bones of Dick Cheney. I think that G.W. is probably a nice enough guy but not real bright (c'mon - C- average at Yale? I'm a teacher. Let me tell you what a C- means. It means you really failed, but I don't want to mess with your daddy so I'm going to give you the lowest acceptable grade and move you along.) It's no accident that Dick Cheney chose himself as V.P. The man has the charisma of a rattlesnake. But by making himself the man behind the man with a charmer (?) like G.W. he got himself the power, if not the office. After a lifetime of failure, G.W. Bush let himself be "handled" by a group of sociopathic leaders without charisma of their own who have led him - and by extension us and the rest of the world - into more danger than most common Americans can even comprehend.
And they're still doing it.
Barack Obama is not a muslim. The end.
I'm fascinated by people's fascination with this. Newsflash! If you would vote for or against someone because of their religion, you are unAmerican. You are a traitor to your Constitution and therefore to your country. Article VI of the Constitution says that the document "shall be the supreme law of the land" and
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States".
No religious test. You don't get to judge someone for political office based on their religion. One of the founding principles of our country is that we are at least tolerant of each other's religious choices (although I tend to think we should celebrate all our diversity) and that there is a "wall of separation" between religion and government. If you believe that religion should control your political choices, then you are as bad as the fundamentalist muslims that you are so afraid of.
So, if religious beliefs don't influence your choice of candidate, what does? Don't rely on television to tell you; another newsflash - television is entertainment for profit. They will do whatever they have to do - including manipulation for a more dramatic story - to get you to see what their advertisers are selling.
How about reading their positions? Go read the party platforms. During the last election my students were amazed when I brought in party platforms for them to read. The Democratic platform was close to what they had been hearing on TV but the Republican platform had a lot of stuff in it that never made the news for some reason.
Republicans keep saying that they don't know what Barack Obama stands for. Hello? I was clear about what he stands for after reading The Audacity of Hope. He hasn't wavered. The same positions in that book are the same positions on his website. I invite you to check it out. Then go check out John McCain's site. Decide who represents your values better.
And don't forget to vote!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Still working
on the previous post.
This blog is a journal that I love to share with whomever will take some time to visit. I'm going to keep adding to that post until I get the trip report completed.
08/23/08 - I finished the following post about my vacation. Added some pictures of new stash and the balloon festival.
This blog is a journal that I love to share with whomever will take some time to visit. I'm going to keep adding to that post until I get the trip report completed.
08/23/08 - I finished the following post about my vacation. Added some pictures of new stash and the balloon festival.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Back to Reality

(Did you hear my Eeyore voice?)
Got home Tuesday night. So depressing.
This is for my friend, Linda. Linda's been going through SUCH a rough time in the last year or so. One recent tragedy is that her house burned out. Not up - looks OK from the outside - but from the inside out. The whole inside is, well, gone. She's in the process of picking and choosing for the restoration and commented that when she tells people her house is decorated in Disney, they look at her like she's nuts. I want her to know she's not alone.
So, my trip to Utah with my mom was exceptional. Exceptionally lazy. Exceptionally relaxing. Exceptionally beautiful. Exceptionally uplifting.
Our trip up was slightly eventful, just enough to make it fun. The first leg of the journey is always across the San Fernando Valley (making gagging noises here) to the 14 fwy and through Santa Clarita and Lancaster (I won't make a comment here in fear of offending anyone about their home towns). That is truly the worst part of the trip and I always heave a sigh of relief when I hit the town of Mojave. I am not a fan of the desert, but at least it's interesting. I'm always fascinated by the small homes along the highway. Who would choose to live here? What are they like?
Our destination for that first day is the resort town of Mesquite, Nevada. Usually I do a 'rest stop' at Nancy's Quilts in Las Vegas, but this year I decided to check out the shop that Kathryn mentioned. Did I forget to mention that smack on the state line (just about half a mile from Primm) we picked up our own personal thunderstorm? It poured on us, then hooked itself on our bumper so it was raining as we slid onto the 215 to the Henderson area to check out Quiltique. After a few miles Mom needed a restroom and I was afraid I was lost, so we got off the fwy when I spied a shopping area off to the side. By the time we scored a restroom for Mom the rain had stopped. We took care of business (and I got myself square with the directions) and headed out again.
We found our way to Quiltique (it wasn't hard; I just panicked too soon) and enjoyed a pleasant hour in this nice shop. Unfortunately, the woman I asked for permission to take a picture of the shop to share on this blog declined (too many original quilt designs) but I can share what I bought.
And my first Kaffe Fassett purchase. This is a bug I haven't really caught yet, but I have a plan for an event in January and wanted to pick up some fabrics just in case I decide to walk this path.
Without any trouble we made our way another 90 miles or so up the highway to Mesquite and checked into the Virgin River Hotel. This is our usual stop. It's cheap for a Motel 6 quality room and just a half hour from the Utah border. Just as we pulled up in front of our room, that little cloud we dragged with us from Primm started spitting drops. We barely got our stuff into the room (actually, I ended up getting pretty damp bringing in the last load) when it really let go.
Used to be you could get a great dinner for cheap there, too, but the economy must be hitting them pretty hard. We ordered the $4.99 prime rib dinner which USED TO include a salad, baked potato, side veggie and decent piece (8-10 oz) of prime rib. Our meal this time was a potato, side veggie and a piece of meat that you MIGHT consider appropriate for a sandwich (how do you slice prime rib that thin?) The salad cost an extra $1.99. But, the beds were comfortable and the room was amazingly quiet for being right behind the casino. The air conditioner was too loud but then, they always are, and at least it worked.
The next day we continued up the 15 into Utah. We couldn't face the casino food again so decided to wait to eat until we reached JB's in St. George. Once we get out of Mesquite the scenery changes dramatically. You drive across the Arizona border into the Virgin River Gorge, spectacular rock formations along the Virgin River (which, when it has water in it, is red). You come out of the gorge into southern Utah which is red rock desert. Once you get out of St. George the landscape changes to cedar hills and volcanic formations, and when you get through Cedar City you are in the ranch country (my favorite part of the drive). We passed a few little towns along the highway but didn't stop until we reached Springville and Corn Wagon Quilt Co.
Just past Springville is the turnoff for Provo Canyon and the back route to Eden. The other option is to take the 15 from Provo to Ogden, a truly hideous freeway drive. Utah is smart. They put all their ugliest stuff along the freeway (junkyards, refineries, manufacturing) to try to scare us Californians away. Just ten minutes through Provo Canyon (a spectacular place on it's own with - we counted - three waterfalls just cascading down the mountainside right there next to the highway) and you can drive through mountain valleys past beautiful reservoirs and reach the same destination in the same time.
And that's what we did.
Arrived in Eden in the early evening. Stopped for groceries then made it into the condo and died. We were both pretty tired. Mom doesn't walk well and has fallen three times this year. I was terrified that she would fall on this trip and really hurt herself (not how I wanted to spend my vacation in Utah) so I wouldn't let her take up any of her own stuff (you have to climb uneven stairs and sidewalks to get into the building). Which meant, of course, that I had to make double trips.
I was determined to try to get exercise on this trip, but that first day was for recovery from the two long days of driving. It was hard to decide just which lazy activity to indulge in, but we picked reading. I had picked up a handful of Susan Wiggs' romances and it didn't take long to get caught up with Isadora and Ryan in The Charm School.
The next day I took my first (and last) walk. The condo development has a walking path that, according to my new pedometer watch, is a little over 1/2 mile in length. Problem was, since the development is on a mountainside, over half the route goes uphill. At 5200 feet. And I live my real life almost at sea level (about 200 feet altitude here).
By the time I reached the "summit" for me, anyway, my heartrate was up to 165. My cardiologist wants me to push myself, but I don't think he had quite that target in mind. The return route should have been downhill, right? But they managed to take me steeply downhill for a while, then UPhill again before going downhill, then UPhill - well, you get it.
It was sure pretty, though. Teasles grow in this area (I'm mad for them in all their forms) and they were in bloom.
I made it safely back to the condo and opted for Chair Dancing for my exercise the rest of the visit (all two times I remembered to do it.)
The second day we started stitching. I started this piece from one of the English cross stitch magazines.
The background is supposed to be a little town all in blues, but I'm not going to do that part. There are a number of leaves on the left side (I'm dedicating them to you, Chiloe) and leaves and berries on the branch, all covered with snow. My reward for finishing the leaves, berries and snow will be the brightly colored, striped stocking that the little bird sits over. Waiting for Santa.
We pretty much spent two weeks just reading and stitching. We did to into Ogden one day and spent some quality time at Shepherds Bush.
Let me share a piece of advice about shopping at Shepherd's Bush (illustrated by these truly awful photos. If I use the flash it just reflects off the plastic bags and I'm too lazy to do a better job today.) Based on my experience, this is what you will do when you shop at Shepherd's Bush:
You will drive up to their purple door, which is usually strung with flowers of the season. There is usually a pot of flowers on the step. Your heart will speed up a little in anticipation. After all, if someone will go to that much trouble to decorate the door the inside should be good, too, huh? You will step through the door and find yourself in a very long, narrow room with stitcheries on the wall. There is a table with a guest book (and a terrific sheep planter with some kind of flowering something). You will take all this in and you will want to explore this area for a while: Where did this bench (which looks like a church pew) come from? What techniques are used in these stitcheries? Should I sign the guest book? Who designed this sheep pot with all the curls? You are seeing all of this and these thoughts race through your mind as you scan around the space and then it happens!
You spot the door into the shop itself, and you are lost.
I cannot tell you what techniques are used on the stitcheries on the wall because I have never been able to resist the magic door. I've never signed the guest book and don't know squat about the bench or the sheep planter because as soon as I step through the magic door all sense - all intelligence - all control - just flies right out my ears.
I think the cheapest I've ever escaped from Shepherd's Bush was about $60 (and only because it had been my second visit that trip). There is no way to describe this shop; I highly recommend popping over to their site to watch their video tour.
The very first thing you see when you enter is a delightful display of charts (and other stuff) of The Season. On this trip The Season is Halloween and I am paralyzed by indecision. Which of the three new Halloween charts that I have snatched off the table do I start on? Or should I just start on the Autumn Band Sampler (which, happily, does not have an alphabet, just specialty stitches to learn).
When you walk through the magic door, your eyes will fall on something that takes your breath away. In my case it was the aforementioned autumn sampler:
And here is THE ADVICE: When you pick up a chart at Shepherd's Bush, do not pass GO, do not start buying any fabric or any fibers. Go directly to the counter and ask this important question: Do you have a list of changes for this chart? If you do not follow this advice you will waste time gathering floss and buttons and charms and whatever else. You will gather these things and feel a rising disappointment as it becomes obvious that the sample on the wall is nothing like the picture in the chart. You will argue with yourself that maybe it was the photographer's lights or something else washing out the colors. If you're lucky, one of the Shepherd's Bush angels will rescue you and steer you in the right direction by handing you the changes list. Ahhhhhhh.... now it's making more sense. Shepherd's Bush shop samples almost never match the charts (unless they are designed by someone in the shop). Even with my lousy picture, I think you can see that the Autumn sampler I make will be much "richer" looking than the one pictured on the chart.
So, ASK first, then shop.
After a break for lunch at the Union Grill (yummy fun) we had a little energy for a stop at Gardiner's Sew and Quilt.
As nuts as I am about Christmas fabric, I'm even more so about Halloween stuff. Just can't resist it. Last summer (or was it the summer before?) I found a panel of a haunted house surrounded by pumpkin characters. I would bet a nickel that it was the same designer as this fabric:
Speaking of Halloween, I went to the newly moved and re-opened Quilted Bear in Ogden. They had opened just that day so everything was new and clean and all the new product was out. I could not resist a set of 8" wooden letters that say "BOO" or a set of 4" black wooden blocks with "PUMPKINS" in orange print. You'll have to wait, though, until October when I bring out my Halloween entry quilt and set stuff up for the season to see a picture. Hey! If I can look foward to posting here, I might actually get all the stuff out this year, ya think?
One afternoon I called my old and dear friend, Judy, and invited her to go show my mom Dottie Beck's and have apple walnut cobbler (ala mode, of course) at Harley and Bucks and she accepted.
As we chatted away Judy asked if we had seen Mama Mia! yet and we ended up making plans to go see the movie together.

Oh. My. Gosh.
I missed ABBA somehow. The only song I recognized was "Dancing Queen." But what really blew me away were these highly respected dramatic actors seeming to have the time of their lives in this musical. If you haven't seen it you have to go, but plan to see it twice because, if you're like me, you will spend the entire first viewing glued to Meryl Streep.

I decided Colin Firth was the sexiest man on the planet when I saw him in one of the BBC's productions of Pride and Prejudice.

Well, the guy does it for me in this one, too, and can sing and has some good moves, to boot.
After the movie we were all talking about how blown away we were by Meryl Streep's singing voice. Turned out we all had enjoyed A Prairie Home Companion (another movie where she sings and knocks your socks off). Judy has this amazing theater in her home with a huge screen, theater seating and Egyptian styling - the walls are movie set styrofoam and you feel like you're in a tomb down there. She even has two repro sarcophagi (sarcophaguses?) in niches on either side of the screen. No, the rest of her house is not Egyptian, just the theater. Great fun.
Anyway, she invited Mom and me to come up the next night and watch Prairie Home in her theater. As the next afternoon came, however, Mom said she just wasn't up to that. Judy and I decided to go back into Ogden for another Mama Mia! night and had a blast.
That weekend was the annual Ogden Valley Balloon Festival (formerly the Eden Balloon Festival). I'm sad to say that I think the economy really hurt the festival this year. Instead of the usual 30-35 balloons we only counted 17. Still, these gorgeous, peaceful critters are a real treat and I was grateful to the pilots who did fly. They launch just after sunrise each morning for three days. Mid-August is the beginning of fall in the valley and the mornings were quite crisp and clear. A little chilly on the balcony (not quite 50 degrees yet) but we just bundled into our warm socks and sweats with hot chocolate and a lap blanket and we were fine.
Views From the Balcony
After the flight Sunday I started puttering around, gathering things up, packing the car. We were supposed to leave the next morning and I did not want to make all those trips up the stairs from the basement, down the stairs to the car within the same two or so hours the next morning. It was much easier to do a trip, then rest, then do another trip and so on all day. The only bad part was that we couldn't really have that last day of denial. Yep, we had to leave the next day.
Not a bad way to end a great vacation.
Now I have a problem, though. Can you guess what it is?
Um, where do I put all these treasures (not to mention the two dining room chairs I hauled back this trip)? If you're a regular reader here you know, I'm full up. No room to stuff in anything. Remember that space I created earlier this summer. All gone.
Oh, well. it was worth it.
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