I'm reminded of the old serials. "In our last episode..."
In my last episode, I had just returned from a solo vacation in Utah. This wrapped up a challenging summer during which I tripped from caring for an injured dog to three-day-a-week Grand Jury duty to trying to fix up a nest for myself at home.
In this week's episode...
Dodger seems to have recovered pretty well from his broken legs. So, well, in fact, that my husband has a hard time walking him. He isn't very well trained (the husband, not the dog) and doesn't INSIST that the dog behave himself on walks. So, the dog pulls DH around with those new-and-improved legs of his. Anyway, as you can see, he is back to his old self.
The Grand Jury experience ended with a half-day on the last day. In the last case we heard (and we heard over 200 cases) testimony included what had become our favorite line: These aren't my pants. We said goodbye over Black Angus burgers. I'm still facebook friends with a couple of the jurors but - as in most lifeboat situations - don't really expect to see any of these people again.
I'm very pleased with how my room turned out and will now bore you silly with my before and after pictures.
This space...
My work space has moved to the other side of the utility cabinet like this:
This space
now looks like this
Chiloe, see my fairy? I love the way she looks here and am still grateful to you for introducing me to Nimue.
This space (over the new scrapbooking area)
now looks like this.
I must take this moment to brag unashamedly. I did virtually all the work on this room myself. My son did help me hang the corner cabinet (yeah, IKEA!) because I couldn't see the bolt holes in this oddly shaped box. He also painted the space over the cabinets on the other wall because I couldn't reach it. Everything else I did and I'm especially proud of these cabinets. I think they look fantastic, especially against that gorgeous green.
A few things I like a LOT:
I love this shelf inside the utility cabinet.
There is plenty of room in this cabinet for my warmies, my binders of audiobooks and photo cds, my Disneyland lanyards and pins - just all kinds of goodies.
For storage...
Finally, I love my Disney prints (although, sadly, because of the cabinets I ran out of wall space for my Disneyland 50th print by Thomas Kinkade.) I was able to use my Tinkerbell print (I framed it myself using the cover of a book on faeries. I messed up the mats, but fell in love with the wonky arrangement so left it that way.) The other piece is an original by my daughter-in-law. You might recognize a stylized Minnie Mouse with a distinct Japanese flair. I am so inspired by this piece, and flattered that my DIL would take the time to create something so intricate for me.
There are a few things still to do.
I've decided to take this window out of here. I'll replace some of the dried out used-to-be-pink rosebuds and replace them with autumn flowers, then hang the whole thing in the family room.
Bragging again, but I love the way my birdies turned out. Design by Valerie Pfieffer.
I won this watercolor of Matilija Poppies for $60 - framed - at a Democratic Party auction a few years ago. When I finish Firefly Faeries, the poppies will move down into the empty space and the Faeries will preside over the room from the upper space.
There's also a space for this when it's completed:

Please help me think good thoughts for the year to come.