December 31, 2009
Actually, I've been trying today to reflect on the past year and find the positives. Here are some I've come up with.
For all his faults and expense, Dodger is really a very nice dog. The older he gets, the easier he is to live with. He's very loving and he does want to please.
I finished redecorating my room and still love it. I continue to tweak issues but overall it is working well for me.
I ordered three brugmansia rooted cuttings from Kartuz Greenhouses last spring (or was it summer? I forget.) They have grown into very promising plants, already almost two feet tall. I'm optimistic that they will form a "wall" separating the fairy garden from the work area that I've planned.
I got a new principal this year. She is an old friend (we started teaching at this school together 18 years ago) with a "get it done" attitude. It's refreshing, although, as I told her, I'm not sure I have the energy to have my butt kicked into excellence again.
I completed a small McKenna Ryan piece for my daughter-in-law for Christmas. My "new" Bernina (I've had it three years+ but have so rarely used it that I feel like it's new) did a great job; not a single skipped stitch or wad of thread under the piece. Such a unique experience.

(oops, I forgot to take a picture before I gave it to her. This is the promo picture from McKenna Ryan's Pine Needles site.)
Enjoyed escaping reality into two terrific movies this year. Star Trek earlier in the year and Avatar in the last week.

Also enjoyed escaping reality by visiting Disneyland. To celebrate the opening of The Princess and the Frog (which I have not seen yet) they have had a spectacular new show called "Tiana's Showboat Jubilee." Like a dose of pure energy!
Facebook! What a fun place to hang out. I feel so fortunate to connect up with old friends of my sons (Loren, Warren, Shelly, Kevin, Cameron and others who have now become my friends, too), old friends from here (Chiloe, Sam, Missy and Paige) and new friends from a variety of places (Carrie Sue, Lillian, Michael) whom I may have completely missed out on if we had not corresponded on Facebook. (It would, however, probably be a good idea to lose the addiction to FarmVille, Fish Isle, Happy Aquarium, Happy Pets...)
What Went Right Today?
Shopping expedition went splendidly. B&N had ONE copy of The Art of Avatar left for me. With our membership I got it at a 30% discount. Also bought three British cross stitch magazines. Don't really need new charts but look forward to the inspiration as the new year begins.
Next stop, Salzer's. B&N did not have the Avatar score but Salzer's did. Very nice youngster looked it up and they, too, had one left. Someone had hidden it in another slot but Nice Youngster was onto the trick and flipped back until he found it for me. Had a very nice conversation about the movie (during which I convinced him that he would not even notice it was a two-hour-and-forty-minute movie).
Then over to the restaurant supply where I found a skinny brush with which to clean my drink straws. Still amazed that I can't buy these anywhere.
Home Depot was the next place on my list. Got a dozen blocks for the fairy garden.
January 2, 2010
Had a quiet New Year's Eve here at home with my Avatar score and magazines. Watched Anderson and Kathy bring down the ball in NY then hit the sheets in CA (EST close enough for me).
New Year's Day was a trip to Simi for the traditional German good-luck-in-the-new-year saurkraut dinner. My Sister and BIL did the cooking this year and it was delicious. Sadly, my stomach is getting old and I left most of my dinner on the plate (which, now that I think of it, is probably something to cheer, not lament).
I spent the night at my folks' house so that I could to to lunch today with my SIL at her friend's house. The three of us are all gardeners and it was great inspiration to enjoy her garden tour. I look forward to getting my garden whipped into shape so that I can reciprocate.