We just returned from Spring Break in Eden. I managed to fight off my It's Vacation! laziness and finish this piece. It's one of the Valerie Pfieffer trios called "Three's a Crowd." All I had left to do was the backstitching; I was delighted to see how those fuzzy little backstitched feather tips brought this to life.

I had also hoped to get some work done on "Firefly Faeries" by Marilyn Leavitt-Imblum. I'm determined to have that piece, but it's proving to be a challenge! First, I unsuccessfully tried to dye three different pieces of fabric. Two years ago I found a piece of linen that had been hand-dyed for that design, but just wasn't very excited about starting on it. The next year one of my xstitchinprogress friends shared a source that had the perfect piece of hand-dyed. I ordered it and all the stuff (beads, braid, specialty threads and so on) to finish this piece and got started. I can do the work, but my energy level, nutrition and stitching light have to be just right. I dislike working on linen anyway (it's too much like work), but the dye on this piece makes it especially difficult for my old eyes to see, and the tiny stitches over two... well, let's just say it's been a challenge.