It's not such a bad tree, after all.
Which is good, since it's probably going to be up until next Christmas.
And the one after that.
And the one after that.
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Anais Nin
What a beautiful tree !!! Even Emma told me that your tree is so beautiful (yes, I had to enlarge !!! :-) ) What I love on your tree is all the characters you put in. Mine come from the US. I used to buy those cute little mice at Walmart and K Mart. I don't put a lot in my tree because Steb is stilll little one and I don't want to take the risk they get broken ...
Did you write Santa a nice letter this year? ;-) What is on your list? A maid to take the tree down? lol
Have a wonderful christmas dear Debi ! I hope you'll write more often !!!
mais il est magnifique ce sapin ,alors il peut bien faire plusieur noel,moi le mien je le change pas tout les ans,pareil pour les décorations ,j'en achete une ou deux par ans sinon ce sont toutes les memes chaque anné te le redit ,il est magnifique!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Debi, I love your tree. I would love to have the space to have such a large tree. Have a very nice Christmas!
I wrote you in the december post : check it out ;-)
By the way, I lost your email. Please email me !!!
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