Two students. Two parents. Two emails.
Student One has turned in approximately two assignments each quarter so far. Her grade tends into the single digit percentages. She received a fail warning on her first quarter progress report and a failing grade at the end of first quarter. Same in second quarter and now the same in third quarter. Today, Mom's email said that her daughter needed to get a better grade in history, so would I put together a packet of work she could do over spring break to get her grade up.
Excuse me? I did my job already. I designed lessons (keeping in mind standards, multiple intelligences and multiple learning modalities), presented and facilitated learning and waded through mountains of paperwork (including a nine-hour session day before yesterday on the "grade-saver" project). I am not going to put another second into a whole new set of materials to make up for what sweet patootie chose not to do in the first place.
Student Two's MO read very much like Student One's up until progress report this quarter. Dad wrote me a couple of emails to clarify my expectations. After the emails, Student Two showed up and asked for a seat change away from his best friend and closer to me. For the last month he has come to me for clarification whenever he is confused about something. He has turned in every assignment (in his own handwriting). Today I got another email from Dad. Could he please meet with me? He wants to be very clear about my expectations for the next quarter because he would like to see his son leave middle school as a success. As I had just said the same thing to the boy myself, I am happy to oblige.
I don't mind sharing the load.
But they're too damn heavy to carry by myself.
Student One has turned in approximately two assignments each quarter so far. Her grade tends into the single digit percentages. She received a fail warning on her first quarter progress report and a failing grade at the end of first quarter. Same in second quarter and now the same in third quarter. Today, Mom's email said that her daughter needed to get a better grade in history, so would I put together a packet of work she could do over spring break to get her grade up.
Excuse me? I did my job already. I designed lessons (keeping in mind standards, multiple intelligences and multiple learning modalities), presented and facilitated learning and waded through mountains of paperwork (including a nine-hour session day before yesterday on the "grade-saver" project). I am not going to put another second into a whole new set of materials to make up for what sweet patootie chose not to do in the first place.
Student Two's MO read very much like Student One's up until progress report this quarter. Dad wrote me a couple of emails to clarify my expectations. After the emails, Student Two showed up and asked for a seat change away from his best friend and closer to me. For the last month he has come to me for clarification whenever he is confused about something. He has turned in every assignment (in his own handwriting). Today I got another email from Dad. Could he please meet with me? He wants to be very clear about my expectations for the next quarter because he would like to see his son leave middle school as a success. As I had just said the same thing to the boy myself, I am happy to oblige.
I don't mind sharing the load.
But they're too damn heavy to carry by myself.