
A place for family and friends to see what I'm up to. Visitors welcome here.

Hail Guest, we ask not what thou art.
If Friend, we greet thee, hand and heart.
If Stranger, such no longer be.
If Foe, our love will conquer thee.
-Old Welsh Door Verse

Friday, March 25, 2011


... I will be here.

I'm pretty excited for a number of reasons.

I loved their Christmas concert, and look forward to enjoying being wrapped in their glorious voices (in amazing arrangements) again.

But also, after I went to see Straight No Chaser and GMCLA this winter past, my son saw the Whiffenpoofs on Sing Off and knew I'd love them, too, so sent me the link.  He was right, and a few weeks ago he and I went to see them live.  It will go down as a favorite memory with my son.  We both floated out of the church (where the concert was held) on a cloud of musical euphoria.

He was so excited that he has pulled together old friends from his high school men's choir days to play around with a cappela singing.  In fact, their first meeting is this weekend.  Looks like a couple of baritones, a couple of tenors and some females in the mix.  He's still looking for a bass and an alto, but it doesn't seem like a stress event for him.  Just going to be singing and laughing and probably some drinking.

He is a good model for having fun with life.

I'm still learning.

I did go to my school's TGIF tonight.

Good company tonight, beautiful drive down the coast to LA tomorrow for the concert and the concert itself just MIGHT make up for the hours and hours of 8th grade project grading I have ahead of me this weekend.

I'm not scheduled for Disneyland again until spring break later in April.  Don't know if I'll make it.

 (Fate is kind.  She just has a warped sense of humor.)

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