
A place for family and friends to see what I'm up to. Visitors welcome here.

Hail Guest, we ask not what thou art.
If Friend, we greet thee, hand and heart.
If Stranger, such no longer be.
If Foe, our love will conquer thee.
-Old Welsh Door Verse

Monday, September 11, 2017

Another Fabulous Day

...but no time to touch on anything but the headlines...

THE TRAIN IS RUNNING AGAIN!!!  After over a year.  One of Mom's favorites and one of only two rides she can enjoy now.

Thrilled to see old friends still here.

LOTS of new waterfalls.

Jolly Holiday lemon cupcake.  My first true indulgence since June.  I ended up eating all of it.  And enjoying it.  (They are not always available.)

Andrew's back!  I enjoy the little history lessons he shares with the fine music.

The Wonderland Entourage arrived a little early.

Such a fan of Hatter!

And he's back.

  Gotta say I LOVE the changes.  Old friends artfully focused...

Lots of new waterfalls...

This is a gorgeous presentation.  I love that he's up high.

My favorites.

We could see the village from the river AND the train.  Two different views.  Kind of eliminated the whole diorama feel and had more a "real" village.

Still lots of animals to enjoy...

Canoes running.

The new Star Wars land is really making an impact now.
VERY excited right now.  Have a few more chores to do, then will try to get a nap in.  Will not be going to bed tonight.  Have to leave about two to drive to the fly-away, then to the airport for my early morning flight to Boston for a week with good friends.

Home for a month, then repeat the process for two weeks with my son, DIL and two grandsons, one of whom I haven't met yet. 

House to clean (no, I didn't finish) , holidays to prep for and then...

Just home from meeting my new orthopedist.  Looks like a knee replacement after the first of the year.

Gonna be a quiet winter around here.  Will miss my friends at Disneyland (although my poor Mom will miss it more.)

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