I had my appointment with the orthopod this week. This is him.
He said he thinks I have a slipped (herniated) disc. I had x-rays that showed arthritis in both knees (right is worse but I didn't go in for that). Also have slight scoliosis (probably from carrying my purse on the same shoulder for 40 years) and arthritis developing in my spine. "Nothing is jumping out" at him, though, so I have an MRI scheduled for Wednesday.
DS2 has been renovating the yard. Weeding, repairing. I also did some finishing up in the fairy garden. The retainer is finally done (which is probably what aggravated my back/leg problems). Am excited, though, 'cause it looks good. There's nothing more exciting to a gardener than a clean slate.
Ordered some perennials from Annie's Annuals for the front yard. Two geum, a lupine and three apricot poppies. For now, though, they have to wait patiently for warmer temps and a let-up in the rain (can they hang in my window until March?)
Today was Hump Day at school. As of 3:10 this afternoon my school year is half over. Hope the rest of the year goes by as quickly as the first half.
I've lost over 10 pounds.
No decision other than to emotionally remove myself from the difficult situation for now. Felt better once I realized it is OK to not give a rip.
DS1 and DIL due tomorrow for a visit.
Taking Monday off to drive my dad for a biopsy of something growing on a nerve in his back.
Saw Princess and the Frog this week (after my ortho appointment). It may be my new favorite Disney animated movie.