
A place for family and friends to see what I'm up to. Visitors welcome here.

Hail Guest, we ask not what thou art.
If Friend, we greet thee, hand and heart.
If Stranger, such no longer be.
If Foe, our love will conquer thee.
-Old Welsh Door Verse

Sunday, February 01, 2009


I haven't been tagged for anything in a long time but Stitcher S tagged me to to discuss five addictions and, after reading hers, it seems like a worthwhile (and fun) thing to think about so here goes.

1. History/Scrapbooking/Photography. Yeah, I know that's three but without an addiction to each I wouldn't be interested in the other two. Because I'm addicted to history I got into scrapbooking and my love of scrapbooking led to a love of photography. Some people love scrapbooking or photography because of the artistic challenge or the manipulation of color and texture or whatever. I just love to preserve the story.

2. Fiber. Cotton fabric and embroidery flosses, specifically. I used to say it was all for future projects but, hey, I had to get honest. I keep a fabric museum. I love to collect it and visit it. And while there is a part of me that loves the dream of actually making things with it, if it were really a passion I'd be doing more of it, right?

3. Patterns and Charts. I call it cheap art. See #2 above.

4. Chocolate Candy. Dove's hearts for Valentine's Day, eggs for Easter, gift boxes for Christmas. Sees truffles or dark chocolate walnut clusters. Reese's peanut butter cups in any incarnation. Many trips through Weight Watcherville have taught me portion control and meal planning. Under control. But if there's chocolate in the house it won't be there long, especially if life throws me a curve ball. My addiction is emotional, but it's there for sure. I do not nor have I ever, however, smoked or drunk anything alcoholic. I don't like bubbles so don't even drinks sodas so chocolate is it.

5. Disneyland. 75 miles away. My happy place. Flowers. Sleeping Beauty's Castle. Ragtime Michael. Bronze sculptures everywhere. Billy Hill and the Hillbillies. A feast for all senses and completely absorbing. No better place to escape it all (and better for me than chocolate when life throws a curve ball.)

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