
A place for family and friends to see what I'm up to. Visitors welcome here.

Hail Guest, we ask not what thou art.
If Friend, we greet thee, hand and heart.
If Stranger, such no longer be.
If Foe, our love will conquer thee.
-Old Welsh Door Verse

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Its a wonderful thing.

Saturday morning was absolutely gorgeous here. I should probably have stayed home to clean clean clean, but DH had something to do all day and DS2 had to work so I hightailed it to Disneyland.
I got to the park a little after noon. Took in a Billy Hill & the Hillbillies show, then had lunch. 
Capped off the evening with the "Remember - Dreams Come True" fireworks show.

Just nothing better for me than great music and great people watching.


LiahonaGirl said...

Hello Debi.
I just ran across your blog and noticed you list Eden, UT as one of your favorite places. Do you mind if I ask why? I'm curious because my grandmother taught school there in the 1920s, and because we had a family cabin at the Nordic Valley ski resort by Eden. I agree that the Eden valley area (Ogden basin?) is one of the most beautiful places in UT.
Bountiful, UT

His Office, My Studio said...

Hi Debi, I still have you and your family in my prayers. I hope you all feel my good blessing that are being sent your way. I am glad to read things are falling in place for your dad. I love the silly look on your face. You need to be silly during these hard times.

Take Care,
Debbi - DubiQuilts

Stitcher S said...

Wow, love the Disneyland photo. I have never seen him perform. I need to go there more often--let's just say I have the ability to go there a lot, but I don't take advantage of it. It's a matter of time! (Someone VERY close to me works there--thus I have a special pass, and in fact I worked there myself when I was in high school)

I should just throw my tasks aside and GO! Thanks for the idea.

Take care. Coincidentally, a friend of mine lives in Eden, UT.

It is a small world.