Such has been my year so far.
Really hard to believe that this school year is 1/4 past already. I am just now getting confident of the students' names. I'm really lucky this year. My principals did as they had promised last year. They "exploded" the schedule so that the challenging students are no longer clustered into one class at the end of the day, as they have been for me for 15 of the last 18 years. It makes a HUGE difference to leave work every day with a smile on my face and in my heart.
It's also hard to believe that my writing class is almost over. Last class is this Tuesday with a farewell party the following week. I'm hoping very hard (have cramps in my fingers for leaving them crossed so long) that certain writers from this group will go on to the next level. Not that they need it, but I will miss hearing their work every week. We are supposed to pull together some of our "best" work into what is called a "chapbook," then make copies for everyone in class. I'm concerned that this is too expensive for the unemployed, underemployed or employed students with horrendous expenses. But (and this is growth) I do not feel compelled to step in and pay for all the kids' books. They'll work it out or they won't. I can't make it my responsibility.
And, of course, the holidays are speeding their way in this direction. It will be an odd one this year with my son and his wife in Japan and my dad gone. I'm trying to figure out if I should stay at my Mom's for Christmas Eve this year so she doesn't have to awaken alone for the first time in her life, or try to pull things together for the holiday by herself. The answer will come.
The holidays are a very big deal at Disneyland, of course, and we (Mom, Sis and Nephew) have our first visit of the season this Saturday. The weather has been very summer-y here in SoCA lately so I'm hoping for a bit of a chill to blow in before Saturday. If not, though, we'll just have to work our hardest to have the most fun we can.
Such a challenge.
In family news, DS2 has resigned from the USPS. The boss at his second job has been very encouraging that said son needs to take advantage of the "gift" of living at home to take some risks toward advancement. Second boss will make up some of the hours he will miss. It will be interesting to see what he has in mind.
It has become clear that if my home is going to be livable I'm going to have to be the one to keep us out of the filth. I'm re-arranging schedules so that I can spend a few minutes here and there keeping up on things as best I can. Don't know if I can keep it company ready, but I should be able to stop worrying about the health department coming over.
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