
A place for family and friends to see what I'm up to. Visitors welcome here.

Hail Guest, we ask not what thou art.
If Friend, we greet thee, hand and heart.
If Stranger, such no longer be.
If Foe, our love will conquer thee.
-Old Welsh Door Verse

Thursday, May 17, 2012


I love 'em.


I had to re-arrange my Thursday schedule today.  Usually I leave work, go home to change clothes and then head to the gym for my long (1.5-hour) workout.  After the gym is Weight Watchers, then to my favorite Mexican place for take-out.  Chili verde burrito, meat only, wet.

But tonight I decided to go to the Board of Trustees meeting to receive my recognition for twenty (2-0) years of service to the district.  Cripes!  How did THAT happen?!?  And eighteen of them have been in the same classroom that I'm in now.


Anyway, gym clothes were hardly appropriate for the board meeting, so I skipped the gym, drove in for dinner early, went to WW and then to the meeting.

I got a hug from my son's old music teacher (now a principal in our district) a hug from an old friend (a BOT member), another from a good friend (president of the BOT), an attempted hug from a nemesis (BOT member) and a hug from our retiring superintendent.  He and I worked well together for my most recent tenure as union president.

Evidence that I am not always the most effective union president.  I lean toward diplomacy and cooperation when I'm president.  I am, however, a wicked action chair, which I also did for 1.5 years before I was president.  Maybe that's why the superintendent was so cooperative?

Anyway, the hugs were nice and much appreciated.

I am even more appreciative, though, for the hug from the Universe that I got when I got home.  Check out this sunset (I'm standing in the street in front of my house.)

One of these days I'll get my panorama program working again and stitch these all together.  So lovely!

The whole sky above me looked like this:

 I don't think this photo really picked it up very well, but even the air around me was pink.

 One more, just because it got better and better.


Somehow it doesn't feel lonesome when you're wrapped in a beautiful astral quilt.

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