
A place for family and friends to see what I'm up to. Visitors welcome here.

Hail Guest, we ask not what thou art.
If Friend, we greet thee, hand and heart.
If Stranger, such no longer be.
If Foe, our love will conquer thee.
-Old Welsh Door Verse

Saturday, January 12, 2008

How do you...

...learn new stitches?

I admit it. I'm really intimidated by these new charts by The Victoria Sampler. They are chock full of specialty stitches. Frankly, I've never had much interest in learning fancy-pantsy stitches and, most of the time, I don't even like the bulk they add to a piece. When I ordered the two charts I figured I'd just leave all the specialties out. But the more I look at this chart (I'm looking at the Heirloom Family chart pictured below) the more intrigued I am. The specialty stitches are designed into the piece beautifully (rather than look clumpy and out-of-place they really do add dimension to this piece). And in the Jingle Belles Xmas Tree Farm the trees are made up of these specialty stitches! So, now I'm thinking I need to expand my repertoire (did I spell that right?) and learn some new stitches.

All the stitches are demonstrated in the chart. So, if you've ever done a chart with these stitches, have you just figured them out using the chart, or have you taken a class or do you go to your lns for help or did your gramma teach you or ???


Chiloe said...

I know there is some tutorial on line for speciality stitches.

Anonymous said...

I just follow the instructions on the chart, but if you are worried -- 1) find an online tutorial and see how they do it, 2) practice on a piece of scrap material.

That said, algerian eyelets, smyrna stitches and other closed specialty stitches are pretty easy. It's the hardanger stitches where you have to CUT the fabric that still give me a bit of a panic.

Try this for a stitch guide:


Marita said...

I'm not so great at following visual instructions (like on paper or online) so usually I ask my sister in law to help out.

I find as I learn more stitches it is easier to learn new ones as some of the techniques are similar.

Von said...

Debi, the Victoria Sampler website has loads of information to help you with any unfamiliar stitches. There is also a discussion board that you can post questions on or calls for help if you have a problem. Thea is very friendly and so helpful. If you feel a need for more handholding as you stitch, you could sign up for a cyberclass. The teaching is extremely detailed and you'll learn lots. I've taken several and enjoyed each one!