
A place for family and friends to see what I'm up to. Visitors welcome here.

Hail Guest, we ask not what thou art.
If Friend, we greet thee, hand and heart.
If Stranger, such no longer be.
If Foe, our love will conquer thee.
-Old Welsh Door Verse

Monday, January 28, 2008

Still sick...

but sleeping better.

Kathryn is sure right about this virus. The coughing is manageable and I no longer hack away through the night. But I can't get enough sleep! I get home from work about 3:30 and am asleep by 3:35. If DH cooks dinner I wake up enough to eat something, then am back asleep by 6. I may wake up somewhere in there to make a potty run but I'm out for the night by 8:30 or 9 and dragging myself to repeat the process the next day. I shouldn't have to go anywhere this weekend and look forward to sleeping through it. It's going to be a very long week, though.

My friend Linda was asking if there is some way to set alerts in Blogger (to know when someone has posted new news). I've never tried it. Anybody know how to do this?

Thanks for the good thoughts. It took a couple of weeks for DH to be functional. I'm hoping to get through this week and see a ray of hope after the weekend.


Chiloe said...

Poor you ... That's really bad: how do you handle your students during that time? Rest well and I hope you can feel better soon.


Anonymous said...

I hate to tell you, but I am still sick. Not the coughing and sneezing sick, but the sleeping as much as possible and dragging yourself around sick. Even on a good day I will work for a couple of hours and then simply collapse.

On a brighter note, it is easy to find out new postings on a blog. See over there on the right hand side of my blog where it says "Needlework Feeds via KD"? You will probably have to scroll down to see it. If you click Read More... you will see all the text and pictures of the blogs I follow. If you click on "Get started with Google Reader" you can set up your own Feed Aggregator (that's what these blog/website feed collectors are called). There are also other Feed Aggregator (like Bloglines), so use the one you like. Now you need to go to all the blogs you like and add their RSS URLs to your Feed Aggregator. In Firefox there is a small orange symbol at the end of every URL that has an RSS feed. I click on that and add the feed to my Google Reader. You can even separate out different feeds into folders so that my needlework blogs only show up on Threads of Desire, but not my Technology Feeds or Political Feeds. There is more information here:
I hope this helps. I couldn't live without Google Reader.

Samantha said...

Sorry to hear you are so very ill. It can't be mine, though- mine was ALL stomach, no hacking. I know how icky you must feel, though! Get well soon!

FYI, I use bloglines to keep up with new blogpostings...

Marita said...

Sorry you are still sick. Hope things start to improve soon. All that sleeping has to be healing right?

I use bloglines to keep up to date with new blog posts.
