
A place for family and friends to see what I'm up to. Visitors welcome here.

Hail Guest, we ask not what thou art.
If Friend, we greet thee, hand and heart.
If Stranger, such no longer be.
If Foe, our love will conquer thee.
-Old Welsh Door Verse

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A Friend's Sad news

The first thing I did on the computer last night was go through and catch up on blogs. DH had cleaned up his old laptop for me, and I've subscribed to Verizon's broadband service (which worked fine where I went) but it turned out the old laptop really is too old (and slow, kind of like me I guess) to do what I had hoped to do with it so I gave up. It was nice, when we got home yesterday, to see what everyone has been up to.

Except for my friend Linda. You might send her a good thought. I stumbled into Linda's blog a couple of years ago searching for fellow Disney fanatics and was hooked by her story. At the time that I found her Linda had lost a great deal of weight and was posting her journey in her blog. Needing to lose over 100 pounds myself I avidly followed her progress and she reached a loss of close to 150 pounds. Last year her posts were fewer and farther apart. Finally she shared that her life had had some twists and turns and she had regained her weight. She and her husband are both helping to care for elderly parents (Linda's father has Alzheimer's). They have one beautiful daughter who lives in Florida and works at Disney World. She is a terrific woman and a great support to them, but they miss her. They had a beloved Cocker Spaniel named Molly who died last year. Wal-Mart built a supercenter in their town and her husband had to close the family grocery (his father had opened it 45 years ago). There have been some other tough things going on in their lives but they are hanging in there. Yesterday, after two weeks away on vacation, I opened Linda's blog and learned that they had a house fire and it sounds like they've lost most of the contents of their home. So, if you can take a moment to send a good thought to a good person, please send one her way.

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