
A place for family and friends to see what I'm up to. Visitors welcome here.

Hail Guest, we ask not what thou art.
If Friend, we greet thee, hand and heart.
If Stranger, such no longer be.
If Foe, our love will conquer thee.
-Old Welsh Door Verse

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Today was my Mom's 85th birthday.

Had a scare in December, so feeling lucky to still have this remarkable woman in my life.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Hi there,
Like you, I am a teacher so time is not in abundance for checking out blogs. I did have time today, and I am happy always to read your blog. I see that you too were at Disneyland last week. We were there last January and also last Friday. If I ever run into you there, I will approach you and your mom. Happy Birthday to her! So lovely that she enjoys going there with you.