Just about three weeks left.
I leave Monday for two more weeks in Utah, then will be home for one day before I have to be back for staff development and the beginning of another year. Even though my job reached the level of "grind" about five years ago, I still get a little reminiscent thrill of seeing the back-to-school supplies in the stores. I'm grateful that I can still remember fondly the days when, as a kid, I couldn't wait for boring summer to be over so I could go back to school. I know a lot of folks can't say that.
I didn't get nearly what I wanted done, done, this summer. The organizing of my room project is still half (not even) done. There are still untouched weeds in the front beds (and the side yard and the backyard). There are six ponypacks of dead annuals still sitting on the plant shelf in the front courtyard and a dozen living plants that should go in the ground. There are piles of partially completed projects in the family room. Kitchen. Hallway. Spare room.
Whether it gets done or not matters only to me. What matters more to me is whether I feel like I've had a break this summer, and I really have. Which brings me to the ramblings.
From time to time I just have to stop here and thank everyone who takes the time to blog. You have so enriched my life! It takes time to read through my list of friends (some daily, some not quite so often but I check in on all of you at least a couple of times a week). Time my own little Jiminy Cricket whispers that I should be cleaning or weeding or sorting or whatever. But I'm more compelled to spend time with all of you. You inspire me, comfort me, encourage me. You make me cry. You make me laugh.
Thank you.