
A place for family and friends to see what I'm up to. Visitors welcome here.

Hail Guest, we ask not what thou art.
If Friend, we greet thee, hand and heart.
If Stranger, such no longer be.
If Foe, our love will conquer thee.
-Old Welsh Door Verse

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Embrace seniority.

I'm kind of amazed at the number of people who have asked if I am just going to ignore my 60th birthday.  Keep it quiet.  Downplay it. My answer to them:


My sixtieth year - the celebratory change of year will be on Wednesday - has been in almost every way the best of my life.  I started Julia Cameron's transformational program, The Artist's Way, on June 25 of last year and I will never be the same.  The program led me to a writing class with Jack Grapes, which led me to new friends I cherish.  Because I am more satisfied with my life I am happier with me, which opened the door to improvements in my physical health that reflect the improvements in my psychological and emotional health.

There has been loss, as well, some I don't imagine I will ever completely "get over," but I'm no tragic heroine going to throw myself under a train because life doesn't always go the way I think I want it to.  The most important lesson I've taken from TAW is

The Universe is always working for us.
There is no such thing as coincidence.
We have to pay attention and embrace opportunities.

I've done my best to pay attention and embrace opportunities this year, and am often overwhelmed with gratitude at the gifts that have come my way, sometimes at shockingly "appropriate" times.

So, no, I'm not slinking into this next decade undercover.

Turn on the spotlight!  I'm dancing my way in!

And the celebration starts today.

I was awake at 4:00 am.  I read for a while, fell back asleep and woke again after 7:00 (I never sleep in that way).  In that time I dreamed of people in my life who love and support me.  Can't ask for a nicer way to start a day.  Then I did my Morning Pages, three pages of whatever popped into mind.  This is ALWAYS positive therapy for me.  After that I did a little craft project, a bracelet to wear this week.

Blingy enough?

Then it was time to head into the garden.  Nowhere is Einstein's theory of relativity more correct than in my Fairy Garden.  I pulled weeds and did some general cleaning but mostly I just smiled.

This morning's view from The Sanctuary.

Purple passion flowers still amaze me.  Bring on the frits!

Brugmansia labeled only Peach?  Plant is COVERED.

Stephanotis in bud.
And now it's time to get ready for the party that my wonderful, loving family is giving me.

As if my day weren't already full enough, my son is playing SAMBA on the drums.  Just the beat I need to dance my way into a new decade.

1 comment:

Von said...

Love your attitude, Debi! A new decade, a new you - celebrate it!! Happy birthday hugs. :)