
A place for family and friends to see what I'm up to. Visitors welcome here.

Hail Guest, we ask not what thou art.
If Friend, we greet thee, hand and heart.
If Stranger, such no longer be.
If Foe, our love will conquer thee.
-Old Welsh Door Verse

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 10 - Saturday, November 25, 2011


I tried really hard (and did a pretty good job) of trying to get the work of the day done (packing for my return trip) without obsessing over the fact that this was my last day with my family.  Being my son's first real day off since I got here, I was happy to stick close to home and enjoy their company.

Since I was leaving behind most of what I had brought with me (mostly goods that my son and DIL had had to leave behind when they relocated and gifts for the baby), I was able to pack one carry-on into the biggest bag and fill the rest of the bag with laundry.  The rest of my stuff I was able to fit into the smaller bag, leaving me only one tote bag and my purse as carry-on.  I had that chore done before the family woke up.

After a brief conference on food, the kids decided to make Japanese curry and my son and I were off for one last visit to my favorite shopping street.

One of several family gardens along the street.  I had enjoyed their bonsai each time we passed.
A shrine at an intersection.  My son didn't know what or who was being honored, but I think he said this street had been part of the main road to Edo.

Here we are, ready to shop.

We got pork and chicken at the meat market...

...then went to the regular market for veggies and other foodstuffs.

And for dessert, delicious chocolate cake from the bakery.

I am grateful that I got to experience some of the fall color of Japan (which comes late to this part of the country) without sliding into winter just yet.

Goldenrod in a lot on the way home.

Once home, we visited while my son cooked up the curry for dinner and served lunch.  Later in the afternoon they decided on a walk to the park.  I asked for a detour to the market that had a 100-yen store upstairs (as I was still short of gifts for folks at home).  All good.

It had been fun on the trip to note the "western" touches here and there, especially when they were tucked into the traditional neighborhoods.

As we walked to the park, I was happy to note there is a children's exploratorium science museum on their street.

The park was breathtaking, and I was happy that it was "theirs."

Shortly after we arrived back home, my DIL's mother arrived for dinner.  It's frustrating for both of us that we don't have the same spoken language, but we get along well with hugs and smiles.  Genuine welcome is felt, not spoken, and she has always made me feel welcome in her daughter's life.

We spent another lovely, quiet family evening together.  Too soon it was time to declare that day ended and head for bed.

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