
A place for family and friends to see what I'm up to. Visitors welcome here.

Hail Guest, we ask not what thou art.
If Friend, we greet thee, hand and heart.
If Stranger, such no longer be.
If Foe, our love will conquer thee.
-Old Welsh Door Verse

Monday, December 05, 2011

Day 6 - Tuesday, November 22

More shopping.

[Sorry for the gap in posting these reports.  It's progress report time and I'm behind on grading.  I've done all I can for tonight - the rest is at school - so will add a day.  Thanks for being patient.]

Today's adventure was to trek up the street to Aeon, a department store.  I don't know if this is typical of Japanese Department stores, but this one is more like a mall in one building.  Different businesses have their "shops" within the store and conduct business separately.

For example,

this Baskin Robbins shared the floor with a number of different businesses including a grocery store, bakery, tea shop, sandwich shop and so on.  I got such a kick out of this 31 Flavors.  First was the Japanese name sign (at least I assume that's what they were; I guess I should have asked my DIL to make sure).  But the biggest kick came from ordering our ice cream.  I asked my DIL to order (although I had my yen out to pay).  She named my flavor in English - Rocky Road.  I guess, though, that the saleswoman didn't recognize the words because she grabbed the picture chart and had us point to the one we wanted.  I was ready to have to point to foods I wanted because I didn't read or speak Japanese, but it didn't occur to me that I would have to point to the English version for the workers.

I have to conclude that the Japanes are - in the happiest of ways - baby- and child-crazy.  My evidence is the kiddie heaven upstairs in the children's department.  It easily covered 1/3 of the floor.  I didn't even try to count all the video games.  Huge play area.  Quiet area to sit and have a snack.  And the best part was a baby area with comfortable benches, and draped cubicles each with a comfortable chair and changing table.  There was even a special "no smells" receptacle with plastic bags for soiled diapers.

I had the delightful duty of sitting with the baby in the Christmas area where I could listen to Jingle Bells and stare at my grandson while my DIL did some solo errands.  I wish I'd found a Japanese recording of the Christmas music; it had a slight accent.

Which reminds me, the crows caw in a different dialect here.  Honest.

On the way home we detoured to that favorite shopping street of mine for some steaks.  I had promised to enjoy Japanese steaks at least once while I was here and was happy to treat us.  I did not take a picture of the steaks, but they were similar to these:

They were about the size of a good-sized rib-eye steak here in the states, only these were about 1/4" thick.  For a good article about the beneficial attributes of Japanese beef, check out this site.  I can say they were absolutely sweet and delicious.

A real treat for dinner on a real treat of a day.

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